The Assassin

               Believe only half of what you see, and nothing of what you hear.               

Orphan turned criminal,life has not been kind to this Hyur. Through perseverance and sheer will, she has rose through the ranks to lead others and to fight against their oppressors.

Cal ,    she / her ,    28

America ,    EST

Crystal ,    Balmung

Hi! please, call me Cal ooc. I have been roleplaying on mmos for roughly 6ish years and for roughly 5+ years with D&D. I have experience with DM'ing and running events and I used to run a roleplay guild for ESO (elder scrolls online). my timezone is EST, but I tend to stay up fairly late, as I am a night owl.Things of note : I have many many animals I am in servitude to, so I am often forced to step away from my computer. So if I do not respond immediately, it's likely I am being yelled at by my cats... or dogs...

in-game preferences ,

     walk - up        yes        |             tells        yes        |             plotting        yes


  • IC =/= OOC! I am not my character.

  • I do have a discord, please ask for it in-game if you would like to set up some plot!

  • No, you cannot kill off my character. Other injuries can be discussed, however.

do not interact if ,

  • Under 21

  • Homophobic

  • Transphobic

Interests include: RP partners 21+ as I am 21+. Long story arcs. Meaningful and lasting relationships. Extensive character arcs/development. Dark themes. Slice of life. Adventures. Pre-estabolished relationships (to be discussed first). Mirror roleplayer, happy to write paragraphs or rapid-fire responses.

find me elsewhere ,

  general information  • • •

name  Eyja Thatcher
pronunciation  Eye-uh Thah-chur
title The Assassin
aliases  Red, Thatcher, Snipes
nameday  35 ,  15th Sun of the 4th Umbral Moon
gender  Female
pronouns  she / her
patron  None
race  Highlander
family  Nisshoku-Gumi
allegiance  Umi-no-Tsuki
occupation  Assassin, gun-for-hire
relationship Married to Cassidy Ironclaw
birthplace  Dalmasca
residence  Shirogane
grand company  The Nisshoku Gumi
voiceclaim Lenore, Castlevania (Jessica Brown Findlay)

A bit prickly to those she doesn't know, Eyja is often wary of strangers. To most, she can come across as rude, flippant and all around disinterested. But, to those she deems worthy of her affection and attention, she is warm, kind and caring. She has been referred to as the heart of her family, while others see her as a motherly figure. If scorned, she can be cruel and toxic. Often does her blade seek to quench its thirst for blood and often is she happy to oblige - those who have earned her dislike be warned. Eyja can have quite an attitude when angered and her temper becomes quite short which results in her picking fights or seeking an argument.

   positive traits     Caring, helpful, always willing to teach someone how to fight, wonderful sense of humor.   negative traits     Alcoholic, quick to anger some days, prickly, bloodlust.

   constitution       ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆
   Brawn       ★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
   dexterity       ★★★★★★★★☆☆
   speed       ★★★★★★★☆☆☆
   intelligence       ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆
   wisdom       ★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆☆

  • likes  The smell of gun powder

  • likes  Quiet, foggy mornings

  • likes  Sparring

"Push me, pull me
Break me, can't let go
My hands around your throat
Won't leave me alone
Now I got my guard up
Can't let go
Don't mean to break the skin
I'm just sensitive
Tattoos all over me
My fears don't behave logically
I'm scared of heights, strangers at night
And socially, I'm terrified
Anxious, so cautious
I hate my subconscious
I wish I could care less
But I care too much."

   wits       ★★★★★★★☆☆☆
   charisma       ★★★★★★★★★
   heart       ★★★★★★★☆☆☆
   spirit       ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆
   magic       ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
   focus       ★★★★★★★☆☆☆

  • dislikes  Small talk

  • dislikes  Loud mouths

  • dislikes  Airheads

   height       5 fulms 2 ilms
   weight       140 pons
   build       Thin muscular build. Mini muscle mommy.
   skin       Warm honey
   hair color       Deep Raven
   hair style      Long, nearly down to her hips. Often kept pulled back just enough to keep it out of her face.
   eye color       Brilliant emerald green. Her eyes seem to glow when it is dark.

unique features
Most of her body is covered in freckles, but they are most prominate on her face. There is a beauty mark just below her left eye and a large scar across her right. She does have several piercings as well. Her irezumi covers most of her body and represent her journey as well as her dedication and loyalty to the Family.
special accessories
She is rarely seen with her nose ring, as well as her wedding ring. She is often wearing platform boots or heels to make her seem taller than she actually is.

    MCH         First and foremost, Eyja is a gun-toting, trigger-happy mercenary. She specializes in long-distance assassinations.

    NIN          Just as well, should the fight be brought to close quarters, she is still just as deadly. She just prefers not be hit in her pretty face.

    Ninjutsu          There are many disciplines Eyja has trained in, but her favorite would be ninjutsu- though, unfortunately, she struggles to harness her own aether... considering she doesn't have much.

    From a distance          One thing she prides herself in is the distance from which she can nail a target with her firearm. Her preferred method of attack is from the shadows, unseen.

  character history  • • •

Born before the occupation of Dalmasca, Eyja was orphaned at a terribly young age when the Garleans invaded and spent most of her childhood with a band of peddlers as her foster family. The nomads traveled often and everywhere as merchants, creating constant opportunities for learning and seeing a large bit of Othard.
The young Hyur rarely got along with others, and often was she bullied for her small size. Because of this, she isolated herself from the other children and became quite jaded, finding comfort in her loneliness. This made it more difficult for her to make friends. Secretly though, she longed for companionship. Her adopted family never quite saw her as their own, but rather, another set of hands to help with the business.
As a young adult, Eyja left her foster family in search of something more fulfilling and exciting - anything but selling various trinkets and baubles. Eventually, the young Hyur found herself employment at a local brothel within Bukyo. This lasted for longer than she would like to admit, before being promptly let go after punching a client and breaking his nose. Her left hook earned her favor with a local underground mercenary syndicate and she was promptly offered work..
She had, once again, settled with a group she could call her family- whether or not it was true. Through them, she was taught proper self-defense, along with how to wield a gun, and was often employed to help on monster hunts, expeditions, and even the occasional bounty. She found her happiness through this line of work, but left after learning of some corrupt business behind closed doors. Leaving once again, Eyja took her skills, what few itmes she had, and made for Kugane as a mercenary-for-hire where an unfortunate turn of events led her under the employment of the Yakuza, ran by the very influential Lavender Lady. After dedicating her time and loyalty to the Family, she has earned her rank as lead of Umi-no-Tsuki.


Being involved with the Yakuza, there are many, many crimes Eyja has been involved with. Were you someone she scorned? Someone she pissed off? She certainly won't apologize. Looking to seek refuge among the Family? Don't be shy... she only bites a little.

     Brimming with Aether     

Those with aether sense may notice that Eyja's aether levels are quite high. Those who know her knew that her aether used to be very low, but something change in the Highlander and now she is able to possess and wield her magic. She is, by no means, a mage, but her aether has helped to enhance her abilities on wielding both blade and firearm. A curious situation.

     An orphan     

There are many who endured the horrors of the Garlean invasion within Dalmasca. Many were orphaned, many lost their homes, and many were captured and enslaved. Because of this, Eyja has developed a deep hatred for Garleans, but a soft spot for those from Dalmasca as well.

  Connections  • • •

               Click the image to be taken to the OCs carrd.               

     Cassidy Ironclaw                 Husband

Cassidy and Eyja met shortly after the Seeker's return to Nisshoku-Gumi. It certainly wasn't love at first sight- at least, not for Eyja, but the two developed a close friendship which would soon bloom into something more. The two were not without their challenges, but like most determined couples, they overcame the hurdles and continue to do so to this day.

     Cidre Salix                 Lieutenant

A close friend to Eyja, Cidre is also the Lieutenant of Umi-no-Tsuki and someone she can often turn to for help. As a fellow Dalmascan, Eyja has a soft spot for this Viera and would murder any who would dare mess with him. They work closely together often and share a hatred for the Garleans.

     Seyu'a Yhiinsali                 Lieutenant

One of the first people Eyja met when she joined the Family, Seyu'a has been a wonderful friend to her. From their undying loyalty to one another, to the antics they are constantly pulling, these two surely have a friendship like no other. Recently, he was promoted as Eyja's second lieutenant of Umi-no-Tsuki.

     Vianna Valentine                 Friend

There was a bit of a slow start to this friendship, but it quickly bloomed once the two begin to talk. This mysterious Viera holds secrets that not even Eyja has been able to yet crack - not for a lack of trying. It is a trait that Eyja finds most interesting about her, and why she chooses to keep her so close. Vianna is another confidant and one who Eyja trusts completely, should she need help.

     Riona Sk'adi                 Friend

Another contact made through Nisshoku-Gumi, Riona has been a confidant and close friend of Eyja's for some time now. The two are certainly trouble makers in the sense that they can go from shopping one moment, to murdering muggers the next. Rin's fiery personality compliments Eyja's perfectly. A match truly made in the heavens.

     Umi-no-Tsuki                 Business

The Umi-no-Tsuki is a business associated with the Nisshoku-Gumi, a Yakuza established in the East. Eyja was recently appointed the head of this business and has made it her life goal to lead with pride and make it one of the strongest branches within the Family.